about - Issue 18


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Img 1818 Aliyah Hussain, ceramic bowls made with patients on The Andersen Ward a specialist perinatal mental health unit at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester 2021-2
Issue 18


Feast works with artists, communities, museum and gallery partners to facilitate creative projects and knowledge exchange that explore the history, present and future of growing, preparing and sharing food.

From its origin as a zine, Feast has expanded to include curated events, exhibitions and artists’ commissions, bringing together diverse communities of researchers, writers, growers, artists and cooks.

The website functions as both an online journal and an archive for research gathered in response to the projects developing commissions.

Since 2019 Feast has worked with Hospitalfield, co-programming a series of talks and workshops for their annual Beer&Berries Festival.

You can view our past editions and projects here or take a look at previous events we have curated and contributed to here

Edited by
ISSN: 2397-785X